We have together, as a team, come up with a set of solutions for people struggling with this perilous epidemic. We included a wide variety of options for people, with hope that it will reach them and make a difference in their lives. The effects and dangers of vaping should be a concern to everyone, and is why we were encouraged to reach out in this way.

Options Available
For those serching for instant help and support we have provided the phone number of SAMHSA's National Helpline below. This is a great source for people suffering from mental or substance use disorders. They are open 24/7, 365, and refer callers to different treatments and organizations available for them.
For students that are attending Methuen High School, a great resource is the Coordinator of Drug & Alcohol Resources, Mr. Brouder. Not only does he help in making our school a safer place, but will provide students with opportunities to get involved. One way he does this, is through a program called SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). In this program students are involved in many activities that help make the school and community a safer environment. If students are interested in helping to solve this epidemic, or are in need of help and support, visit him in room ____ at in Methuen High School. Also, here is a link to a webpage with more information: drug-alcohol-resource-pag
Finally, we provided a link to a webpage with more steps and tips to quit vaping: how-to-quit-vaping-smoking-e-cigs-juul